Dosha Test

Dosha Test (An Ayurvedic Way of Knowing Yourself)

Designed and Developed by : CAYEIT (Copyrighted and Legally Protected Content)


  1. Read each statement and tick the number that applies best to you.
  2. Please be honest while you tick the statement of your choice, as it will help you to gain better self-understanding about yourself.
  3. Pls remember, while answering, consider your overall status about that statement, not only the present one.
  4. There are three sections- 1.V, 2.P, and 3K. Every section contains 20 statements. You have to go through all. Pls don’t leave any statement unanswered.
  5. Every statement has been allotted score ranging from 0-4. Tick the statement after understanding the meaning of scores, given below-


  1. 0 - If the statement doesn’t apply.
  2. 1 - Applies very little.
  3. 2 - Applies somewhat.
  4. 3 - Applies more.
  5. 4 - Fully applied.

After completing all the questions, please submit your response, to calculate the results.

Let's Begin! 🌿