Welcome to the Dosha Test
An Ayurvedic Way of Knowing Yourself
Designed & Developed by: CAYEIT
(Copyrighted & Legally Protected)
- Read each statement and choose the number that best applies to you.
- Consider your overall life status, not just the present moment.
- There are 3 sections (V, P, K), each with 20 statements. Answer them all.
- Each statement can be scored from 0–4:
- 0 - Doesn't apply
- 1 - Applies very little
- 2 - Applies somewhat
- 3 - Applies more
- 4 - Fully applies
Question {{ currentQuestionNumber }} of {{ totalQuestions }}
{{ currentQuestion.label }}
{{ value }} - {{ legendText }}
Your Results
Hey {{ name }}, here are your scores:
Vata: {{ vata }} ({{ vataPercent.toFixed(2) }}%)
Pitta: {{ pitta }} ({{ pittaPercent.toFixed(2) }}%)
Kapha: {{ kapha }} ({{ kaphaPercent.toFixed(2) }}%)
Dominance: {{ dominance }}
Developed by CAYEIT