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The Science of Happiness: Ayurveda’s Swastha & Brain Health 

Abstract  Ayurveda defines health (Swastha) as a state where the soul (Atma), mind (Mana), senses (Indriya), and body (Sharira) exist in harmony, as described in Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana 1.41. This concept aligns with modern neurophysiology, psychoneuroimmunology, and homeostatic regulation, emphasizing…

Exploring the Tri-Sutra Framework of Hetu (Causative Factors), Liṅga (Clinical Manifestations), and Auṣadha (Medicaments and Interventions)

हेतुलिङ्गौषधज्ञानं स्वस्थातुरपरायणम् ।त्रिसूत्रं शाश्वतं पुण्यं बुबुधे यं पितामहः ॥ (Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana 1.24 or variations therein) Literal Translation and Core Meaning In essence, the śloka highlights that understanding disease causation (hetu), clinical manifestations (liṅga), and therapeutic measures (auṣadha) is crucial…