Tag Ayurveda

Ayurveda AI

How AI driven solutions contribute to the scalability of Ayurveda Education

Need for Scalability In today’s modern world, Ayurveda faces challenges of scalability and accessibility. There is a growing global interest in integrative medicine and natural remedies, but traditional classroom models make widespread adoption difficult. This is where artificial intelligence (AI)…

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Unravelling the Molecular Mechanism of Ama Production: An Integration of Ayurveda and Modern Science

Introduction Ama is a central concept in Ayurveda that refers to the accumulation of undigested/ un-metabolised food material in the body. It is considered to be the root cause of many diseases and the obstruction to health according to Ayurveda…

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mental health blog illuminating

Illuminating Ayurveda Perspectives on Mental Health through Science

Exploring the Integrative Potential: The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda offers a holistic perspective on mental health and consciousness that meaningfully complements modern psychiatry. Blending Ayurvedic psychology with recent advances in neuroscience, neurobiology and integrative medicine can provide powerful insights into…

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